Our Solution
Private Blockchain Powered by AXIS Token
A blockchain is a continuously growing list of records, called blocks, which are linked and secured using cryptography on a decentralized digital ledger. Blockchain is inherently resistant to tampering or data manipulation.
Users will interact with the blockchain network and token wallet functionality via a simple-to-use web interface and mobile application.
LaneAxis Blockchain Ecosystem
AXIS Tokens provide a “digital API key” into the LaneAxis Blockchain, as well as the utilitarian means of interacting and transacting within it – hence its designation as a “Utility Token”. By utilizing self-executing smart contracts and immutable data, LaneAxis’ digital ledger will emerge as the most trusted data repository in trucking.
The Power and Promise of Blockchain
For decades, it’s been a very slow roll for technology in trucking. Even in 2021 – phone calls, faxes and emails STILL persist in the industry. But LaneAxis is leveraging two critical developments to tap into the power of a Direct Network built on blockchain.
The mass adoption of smartphones by drivers.
The federal requirement for Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) in all cabs.
LaneAxis securely stores rich data from these digital sources on the blockchain, then utilizes Artificial Intelligence to make trucking and the entire supply chain smarter. Data is the new gold – and only LaneAxis has built the direct network and private blockchain to maximize the value of that data for the entire industry.
Blockchain’s Evolution

1990 - The concept of distributed computing is introduced

2009 - The mysterious “Satoshi Nakomoto” creates Bitcoin - and the concept of decentralized ledgers stored on blockchain

2010 - First Bitcoin purchase takes place

2013 - Vitalek Buterin released Ethereum whitepaper

2014 - Development of Smart Contracts

2018 - LaneAxis mints AXIS tokens

2018 - Development of blockchain - based applications

2020 & Beyond - LaneAxis combines power of Direct Freight Network data with the security and automation of blockchain technology.

Blockchain’s Evolution

1990 - The concept of distributed computing is introduced

2009 - The mysterious “Satoshi Nakomoto” creates Bitcoin - and the concept of decentralized ledgers stored on blockchain

2010 - First Bitcoin purchase takes place

2013 - Vitalek Buterin released Ethereum whitepaper

2014 - Development of Smart Contracts

2018 - LaneAxis mints AXIS tokens

2018 - Development of blockchain - based applications

2020 & Beyond - LaneAxis combines power of Direct Freight Network data with the security and automation of blockchain technology.

Get Started in 3 Easy Steps

Download Trust Wallet

Get the Trust Wallet app now! The most trusted & secure crypto wallet.

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Buy, store, exchange & earn AXIS tokens. Join 5 million+ people using Trust Wallet.

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Buy AXIS Tokens in just 5 mins and join the Transportation Blockchain Revolution!

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